Friday, March 17, 2017

Ideas? Send help

Hi again! So on Monday, my group members and I met up to discuss our project in class. The goal we set for ourselves was to have a basic plot going for our project. At first it was pretty difficult to come up with an idea all four of us liked. It got to a point where I for sure thought we were not going to get an idea by the end of the day. We started looking at the list of genres and finding information on which ones were the most successful over the last couple of years, using my previous websites.

After talking it through for about half an hour, we came to the conclusion that we wanted our film to stand for something we all thought was relevant and important. Something that is happening a lot regarding the politics of this nation. We wanted to make a statement about the court system of America.

After reading books like The Stranger by Albert Camus this year in my english literature class, and hearing about countless stories where many innocent people were convicted of crimes they didn’t do, we figured it was the best way to go for inspiration to create our film opening. The only problem we had left, now that we had our main idea, was to think of a plot and create a storyboard.

After about an hour or so, we got it down to a rough draft of what are character is going to be like and what the problem will be. We figured that the main character would be a male who has had a troubled past, meaning he has been arrested before. This time, he was getting arrested for a crime he did not commit and was being tried for it. We would explain his situation, his side of the story to show how he’s innocent, but at the end have him be found “guilty.” We still have to figure out the storyboard, shots, what we want the character to say, if it will be a voice over or not, and a lot of other details, but for now we accomplished our task of having a main idea for the story. Phew!

I’ll post later to keep you guys updated on are next steps.

Until then, keep watching!

(n.d.). Retrieved from

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